Tuesday, August 27, 2013

More Horses!

I finished this piece this week! Another horse in one of my silly little worlds! I hope everyone had a great week!

"Valley of Purple"
"Wandering thru the desert feeling slightly lost we stumble upon a dream. Purple mountains behind a purple valley, a purple tree right in the middle of all the purple and there stands a blue horse in a blue pond! Not all who wander are lost."

This week has been a very productive one. I figured out how to create a light box to photograph my paintings and then re-photographed all of them. They are so much more accurate. I'm really pleased with the outcome. I may one day find another better way but for now this is what works. Here's the one that I had in the blog last week. This is the new more accurate photo.

"Blue" available at www.stacysartstudio.etsy.com

Earlier I said that August was going to be the month of horses, but it seems that we are near the end of the month and only one horse has been painted! That's ok since we can just extend it into September! September will be the month of horses!

This week my inspiration is another writer. You might have noticed that I love the written word. My son, mom, sister and I are addicted to books! This week is a book called 3470 C.E. by author Jeanice Deering.
It's a fun story based far into the future with some really cool ideas. I had alot of fun reading it. Here's a link to the facebook page.

Thanks for the fun inspiration Jeanice!

I hope everyone has a really great week!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Getting my Groove Back

Have you ever lost your groove? Over the last year I've been painting in between all sorts of stress. We moved from a home of about a 1,000 square feet into a camper of 240 square feet. I carved out a small space to paint inside the camper but it has been limiting since the thing I love to do most are very large paintings and I love, love, making a huge mess! In a small space it's difficult to make a mess. Yet, I've still loved painting and have learned to be more disciplined which is always a good thing. Then we moved the camper across the country from the ocean to the desert. It took quite a bit out of me personally, but as a mom it has been very rewarding. I've seen my son doing better health wise and he's back with his old friends making him very happy. It's true what they say, "You're only as happy as your unhappiest child". I of course only have one child but the saying still fits.

It's been a joy to see him smiling and feeling a little better. While it's true my studio is not the ideal place to work out of but one of the things I've learned in life so far is that, if you wait for things to be ideal, you'll never go after the life you want. I've struggled a bit with my ability to really let go when I'm painting but I still get to paint! This is what I painted this week.

This one is called "Blue"

"Blue skies, Blue Mountains, Blue Fields of Blue hues. Blue is the color of my loves eyes. Blue is the color of my heart. Blue is what makes me happy!"

Since it's been awhile since I've had a regular schedule of painting all of my ideas have piled up in my head and have become all jumbled together! I've also really enjoyed getting back with old friends and spending time with them so I've neglected my groove! I'm looking forward to getting the groove back and in the meantime I'm enjoying painting what comes to the top of my head first. One day I will have a great space to paint in but in the meantime I'm just grateful that I get to paint!

Who inspires me this week? I love work that makes me feel. Mostly I love to feel moved in a positive way and this artist does it very well. Vickie Wade is an incredible artist and has such a beautiful style she inspires me always. Here's just one of her incredible pieces!

You can find her on etsy, this is the link to her store 

This week I will be throwing paint around, since thats the best way for me to work and we will see what shows up on the canvas! 

Have a great week everyone and have a laugh or two!


Monday, August 12, 2013


Life is always full of changes. 
 The picture above is of our new surroundings. Some of us like to resist change. I personally don't like change, however after some time I usually come to a place of accepting that change and appreciating what the change has accomplished for me. I'm surprised at how this recent change has affected my painting. I needed to pause for a bit to find motivation to paint again. I didn't expect that to happen. I wanted to paint, I just needed to re-assess (something that in the past I would call procrastinating). Then yesterday I was able to pick up the brush and start again.  It was really nice to be able to move forward again. I worked on this piece that I started before we moved and it's coming along nicely.

The trees need to be filled out a little more but I know where it is going so all it will take is time to finish.

Then I was motivated to begin this small piece.

This piece isn't finished of course. I think that it's going to be the first horse painting of August. We'll just have to see where it goes!

My inspiration this week is someone who I've been following a long time.  Jessie Art of France is a lovely talented artist and I am always excited to see what she does next! Here is a link to her store on etsy.

I'm sure you will enjoy looking thru her wonderful works of art!

Have a really happy week everyone!


Thursday, August 8, 2013

I'm Back!

New Mexico Sky
I'm back! Stacys' Art Studio on etsy has been re-opened and I am having a grand re-opening sale. Just use coupon code WEE25 for 25% anything in the store. I apologize for being gone this past week. My family and I moved from the coast of South Carolina back to our home place in New Mexico and it was quite a task! I am almost ready to be back at my easel. Creativity is an odd thing. It seems to me that it's rather sensitive. I seem to need to be in a certain space in my head in order to paint. When life is chaotic I cannot paint. I don't even really think about what I want to work on, but as soon as I am able to calm the chaos down, I'm itching to get back to the easel.

                              This is a piece I was working on right before the chaos came to town!

It's for a friend who inspires me. She's young and has a beautiful heart. She and her husband are about to begin a grand adventure of their own. Every adventure requires some sacrifice. She won't be able to carry much with her so this is a little piece. It's an 8x10. It will fit in a small suitcase and she can take it wherever she likes. It's not finished yet. There must be tree's in love, of course!

This one that I've been teasing about no longer needs to remain a secret.

I painted it for the mother of the bride. She's a very strong woman who is raising four incredible young ladies on her own. Her strength surrounds her little ones.

My  inspiration this week is  Traveler On the Backroads since I recently traveled all of the backroads!

Here's a link to their facebook page.

I'm going to try to dedicate the month of August to my painted ponies! August is the month of horses on the easel! I can't wait! Have a great week everyone and don't forget to take a minute to enjoy a lovely cup of tea!