Thursday, December 17, 2015

Projects and Procrastination

When I was a kid we were always working on a house. The first one I remember was an old farmhouse in Wisconsin. That's where my little brother was born and then I remember moving to a different house in town. We had to renovate that house, it was a very old house. My brother and I were really little so the biggest thing that stands out in my memory is when we began to remove the ancient wall paper in strips. To my brother and I it was a great game. We would pull a strip from the bottom of the wall and pull, it was all fun and games until my brother grabbed a strip of paper and ran with it. What my folks didn't know was that the ceiling in that particular area was also papered and it was attached to the paper on the wall, so as he ran the paper came off the wall but then the whole ceiling of paper came off right on top of him! My poor brother thought the whole roof was coming down on him! Then we moved to a 40 acre farm in northern Wisconsin. Here we are, my little brother and I on that farm.

That's where my little sister was born. This house needed complete reconstruction, there wasn't even running water there. We had an outhouse for the first few months of living there.  Next we moved to Colorado. That house wasn't even a house to begin with. It was just a feed store and it definitely didn't have running water. We used an outhouse and hauled our water for the first year we lived there. There was a one room cabin beside the feed store so we lived there for the first year.

one room cabin

We worked very hard on all of those homes and one of the things that annoyed me the most about all of that reconstruction was, that nothing ever got finished until we were getting ready to sell it! My dad was very good at starting new and exciting projects but very bad at finishing those projects. I remember when I was little thinking to myself,.....when I grew up I wouldn't leave projects before they were finished! 


Oh, how I laugh at my younger self! I have inherited my fathers ability to think of exciting ideas for new projects and being bored of those projects before they are finished!  

So....this year I am going to work on completing some of these projects I have around the house that were exciting to start with but then got distracted and moved onto other projects. Like this one, I started it and then....... I left it.  

and then there's this one, that's partially finished

It really wouldn't take much to finish it but I keep putting it off! 

I did however finish this project!

I refinished this table and I love it.Hopefully this year, will be the year of finishing. However having said that......I started painting the walls....I know, I know, it may be that I'm beyond all hope for recovery! My goal is to slowly paint the house as I finish projects in each room. We rent and I have put off painting but the walls are getting scuffed up and I'm going to go ahead and paint the house myself since I have to use zero v.o.c. (volatile offgasing compounds) so that my kiddo doesn't get sick. I will post my progress as I go along. 

The first room I'm starting with is our dining room/art studio. Stay tuned to see how it turns out!

Here's to all the procrastinators out there!!!


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