Honestly? I'm getting a little tired of plot twists! Thankfully not a whole lot has changed in our lives. The kiddo has had many Dr. appointments again. Normally he gets checked out by his oncologists once a year and that leads to several other 'gists" appointments....you know the cardiologist, the pulmonogist and so on. These appts can stretch on for several months. This year however, since he's not doing as well as the oncologist would like, they wanted him back for a 6 month check up, which leads to more "gists" appointments and on it goes.
His pulmonary check up wasn't very good and that's even with him on medication for it, so we are still waiting to see what the "gists" want to do next. As a result I haven't been able to blog much and painting has slowed down. Some may wonder if my painting in the home may cause breathing problems for the kiddo. It doesn't. The paints I use don't bother him at all. Finding a product to seal the paintings that doesn't bother him has been a little difficult. I have always applied the sealers to the paintings out of doors and let them cure in the garage away from him. However, I've finally found a sealer that I brush on that doesn't bother him. The reason my painting slows down is because I need to focus more on the kiddo and less on the canvas. He is the love of my life so it's easy to choose what is more important. I'm grateful to everyone who follows my work on etsy, facebook and google+ for their continued support even when I don't post much because of caring for my kiddo. Thankyou so very, very much!
I have been able to paint a few things tho!
This is "The Purple Mountain Range" its 11x14 and available on etsy
This is "The Sentinel" its 30"x40" it will be available on etsy soon.
This is still in progress its "Sisters" because life may take sisters different directions but their roots remain attached and they have each others backs!
That one will take quite a while to finish since there is much detail that goes into the limbs of the trees.
Oh, my signature on my paintings have always bothered me and because I was following what I thought to be proper artist protocol I've never changed it, but I finally decided to be more creative!
This is my new signature!
I'm much happier with it, I think it interferes less with the actual painting. (I still sign the back of my painting with my full name)
That's all my art studio news for this month!
Now, onto the report and tally! We just finished month 11! I'm very excited about that, since I will finish my year long experiment in only one more month!
For the Month of August (month 11)
Time spent on making natural products..................1 hour and 43 minutes
Time researching................................................................10 minutes
Time on projects.................................................................................0
Total time for the month of August........................1 hour and 53 minutes
Money spent on natural cleaning ingredients.................................$0.00
Money spent on projects............................................................$0.00
Money spent on natural hair products.......................................$15.99
Total money spent for the month of August..............................$15.99
Money saved by living chemical free for the month of August (month 11 in the experiment) is $299.00! Not too bad, not too bad at all.
You just never know where life may take you....I've had so much fun watching this sweet boy grow up in spite of the difficulties he has had to and continues to face. Love, prayer, laughter and imagination is what gets us thru. Thankyou everyone for your kind words and support. Painting is something I love very much and it does my heart good to know that there are people out there who enjoy my silly worlds! I started painting for this little guy to make his day happier, and somehow while trying to make him happier, he made me happier!
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