Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Spring is Here, or Maybe not!

What a crazy week weather wise! It got very warm and little things began to grow and then spring just up and disappeared on us. First the winds began to blow!

And when I say blow I mean blow! We had winds of 53 miles per hour all day one day. In fact it was hard to see thru the dust! Then it turned cold! Friends north of here got a good layer of snow! Spring has been very fickle this year. Here's hoping she'll make up her mind to warm up soon!

This week I've been so busy I could hardly see straight. I made my homemade, chemical free, all natural laundry detergent/fabric softener.

This batch is enough for 9 people and lasts 6 weeks. It comes out to be .06 cents a load! You really can't beat that. If you want to know how to make it, here's a link to my old blog post showing how to make it.

I've  gotten it down to a science now so it only takes me about 40 minutes to make up. It's the most effective laundry detergent I've ever used and it keeps all my clothes so soft. I love it. I tried to do the homemade powder laundry detergent several years ago but, it doesn't dissolve well in the wash so I prefer the liquid.  I did run into another all natural detergent at a reasonable price a little while ago. It's called Boulder. It costs quite a bit more than my laundry detergent and there is no softener built into it. Also it doesn't do as good a job as mine does but it's a great backup for if I've run out and I do use it for our whites because it keeps the whites white. Another fun thing happened. I asked costco if they would carry Boulders dish soap and they did!

I really like it. It's $7.00 for this huge jug and it's all natural and quite effective! 
  So there's my all natural info for this week. I actually got to paint again! WEEE!

Here's the beginning.....

I had a specific idea in mind but as always, wasn't sure if it would get there. Then it got to this stage.

And then it began to go where I wanted it too so I started to get excited.

I was really pleased with this tree. (In fact I'm a little in love with it.) This is the stage where I have to decide if I'm going to go all in or let it be as it is. Sometimes it's better if I don't do anything else but I really wanted to complete it the way I had it in my head so I took a deeep breath and then another deeep breath and jumped in. and.............did it!

 I'm so happy with the outcome. I'm naming it "Stargazing" Wouldn't you just love to lay in a tree branch that's next to the see and stargaze? I know I would!

Happy stargazing this summer! 

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