Spring means that the time has come for outdoor events, brushing off the dust from our sandals and pulling out the hats for a tea!
Speaking of which, the kiddo and I had a terribly good time at our local tea room. St James Tea Room in Albuquerque New Mexico. We had the honor of attending a Mad Hatter Tea Party! Much fun was had. It was the perfect way to start off spring!
Since you know that I am slightly obsessed with Alice in Wonderland type things, you know I had a great time! I got to wear the Mad Hatter hat that I use for give aways on facebook!
Tea is such a lovely concept is it not?!
Since it seems to be spring around these parts, I've been on a bit of a renewal myself. As you know my kiddo has some health problems and we have been focusing on those of late, but they are beginning to settle down into a manageable situation so I'm hoping to soon refocus on painting once again. As you also know, I was writing a blog on living as chemical free as possible based on the kiddo and his experiences but he has become a young grown up man.(oh my god is that really possible? Am I mother of a grown up?, hmm...going to go bury myself in some tea I think) He is uncomfortable with me talking about him on a blog so I concluded the story this week and am moving on to another form of expression. Instead, I'm going to combine my crazy projects, my gardening attempts, a record of how much time and what it costs to live chemical free along with whatever great chemical free product I might come across and of course my art as well all rolled up into this blog! I hope you'll enjoy the ride! There tends to be lots of crazy turns and wild ideas that sometimes work and sometimes don't but I find it to all be fun anyway. I think it's what makes me the artist that I am, so as an old woman of a grown up boy, I've decided to just accept the fun crazy that I am!
I thought that quote was appropriate!
There has been some progress on a couple of paintings! This large one is taking a very long time but I expected that it would. It has alot of aspen trees and they take a long time to do. It has a castle which I had never painted before and I was beyond thrilled to find out that I love painting castles! It has an owl which I had never painted before and it turns out, I really like painting owls as well. Lastly, there will be two very large trees with pink flowers on them so it's not surprising that it has been and will continue to be a long project. Here's the progress so far.
The other crazy thing is that most of the paintings floating around in my head are quite large projects but I can't help it, I must go where my imaginations go! I can't wait to get started on them! I did finish this painting in the last month. It too is quite large.
"Love Song" 24x48x1
I wish everyone a happy spring. Many of you are already bemoaning the weeds beginning to grow where they shouldn't. Yet many are still awaiting with baited breath for that hoped for spring weather. To these last friends I say, don't despair for it certainly is on it's way. In the meantime I hope everyone joins me in taking a moment of your day to stop and have a cup of tea and imagine something delightful! I'm off to paint!!!
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