It's finished! It's finally finished! This painting took much longer than normal for me, mainly because so much was going on in our lives and because of all the trees! I loved working on this piece. It's a work of love and I'ts so wonderful to have it finished! It will soon be in it's new home. It's 24x48x1, I named it "Neverending" I wanted to thank everyone for their wonderful kind comments about this piece on facebook and google+! Thankyou!!!
Now I'm onto several more pieces, this is one of them. It's full of stars! I'm also working on a couple of commission pieces and some summer pieces as well. There is so much in my head to put onto canvas!
and then.... hubby caught some kind of flu and he is so kind that he shared it with me so, I've been knocked out again. May..I'm thinking that May will be our fabulous month! Let's all hope!
In my other blog I had been keeping track of what I spend in time and money on living chemical free and I'd like to continue that record here. This is month seven in the experiment. (I'm keeping track for a year to see how it all adds up) So, here's the tally and report for the month of April!
April Month Seven
Time spent on making natural products.......3 minutes
Time on projects...................2 hours and 30 minutes
Time on the garden...............3 hours and 15 minutes
Total time this month.............5 hours and 48 minutes
Money spent on natural cleaning ingredients....$23.99
Money spent on projects................................$24.99
Money spent on natural hair products.............$47.94
Money spent on the garden............................$24.30
Total money spent this month.......................$121.22
Now onto the savings, so I saved $37.00 on the cleaning products by making my own natural cleaning supplies.
I saved $127.06 on hair because I trade getting my hair cut for making natural laundry detergent for my friend who cuts our hair and I use henna myself to color my hair naturally instead of having it professionally done with chemical products.
The project, I saved about $20.00 on because I found the shelf unit at a used store.(it was the secret door project I shared in my last blog)
Which leaves a total of $184.06 this month. (I don't include the garden in this because it's just a project I'm not sure where it will go. at the end of the year I will figure everything up and see if it was a savings or not)
Speaking of the garden, this is whats going on in the desert garden!
I began by starting a small raised area with cement blocks.
but they were boring so...
I painted them purple! I also added some geraniums on the edge to help combat bugs. Then I covered it with screen to try to keep the birds away from the strawberries that are in there. I also filled the holes in the cement with dirt and planted marigold seeds. We will see if they grow or not. but I did get one......
Strawberry! already! and well the kiddo ate it right away:)
Also there has been more growth in the flower patch.
I'm very excited to see them still growing. I can hardly wait to see flowers on these babies! It's a slow process here in the desert and it takes nurturing, mulching and patience but the result is very rewarding.
Well, I hope you've had a great week! I'm going to try to get over this latest illness and get back to the easel!
Have a happy week everyone! And I'll be having plenty of tea too.