Hi Everyone! I know that it's been terribly long since I last wrote a blog post! I'm so sorry! We've been really enjoying fun in the sun with our old friends! It's better to live life than to write about it right!
I'll try to catch you up on many of my projects and paintings. I've had some good results of my gardening and some disappointments as well.
Here is one of my lovely sunflowers! I've lost two thirds of what I planted but what survived has been lovely!
Today I even found a honey bee on one of them collecting pollen! That made it all worthwhile!
I finished this painting and it sold! It's name is "If Ever Two Were One" The person who bought it is going to give it as a wedding gift. I think that's appropriate since it's a metaphor for a marriage of two people. You can see where they begin separately and then grow together until they become one.
Here's another one of my Sunflowers. Isn't it huge! I love them!
I grew herbs too!
There's some Lavender, Mint, Thyme and Oregano. (and no I didn't grow the corks!) I've been collecting corks where ever I can find them for several years. I don't know why I just like them!
I turned some of the mint into tea! It's very cool when you can use what you've grown.
As far as projects go....Since we had been living in our camper The Tardis when we moved into a house again everything that was in The Tardis moved into the house so... it left the poor Tardis quite lonely and empty. As you've followed along you saw that I was furnishing our home as I went along by doing almost all secondhand and repainting things but now the house is about finished and I've moved my projects onto our beloved Tardis. I'm partially finished with refurbishing the walls with pretty fabric.
I'm also going to be trimming all the edges but haven't got that far yet. I have found a fun little mirror for the bathroom. It was only $4.00 at goodwill but I didn't like the finish, I liked the shape so here's this project.
I just took white paint and watered it down, worked it into all the crevices with a dry brush, then brushed on an artist paint varnish. This is what it looks like now.
Then I found this fabulous shower curtain at another of my hidden treasure stores I love to haunt.
I just love it! We're hoping to take The Tardis on a trip later this year so I hope I can finish it soon.
I have a few more projects to catch you up on but I'll save them for a later post. For now however I need to catch up on the report and tally that I've been keeping about living chemically free and I missed a few months of reporting! I can't believe it! We'll catch up now. We are still living chemically free, it gets easier and easier as we continue to do so.
For the Month of May (Month 8)
Time spent on making natural products......1 hour and 20 minutes
Time on projects.......................................................30 minutes
Total time for the month of May...............1 hour and 50 minutes
Money spent on natural cleaning ingredients..................$19.68
Money spent on projects...............................................$6.00
Money spent on natural hair products...........................$14.00
Money spent on natural soap.......................................$16.00
Total money spent for the month of May......................$55.68
Money saved by living chemical free for the month of May (Month 8 in the experiment)
is $195.32 Money saved by doing projects for the month of May is about $35.00.
Now for the month of June (month 9)
Time spent on making natural products..............53 minutes
Time on Projects....................................................4 hours
Total time for the month of June......4 hours and 53 minutes
Money spent on natural cleaning ingredients..........$38.81
Money spent on projects......................................$51.99
Money spent on natural hair products...................$13.99
Total money spent for the month of June...............$104.79
Money saved for the month of June (Month 9 in the experiment) is $203.20 Money saved by doing a project for the month of June is about $400.00.
And finally for the month of July (month 10)
Time spent on making natural products............2 minutes
Time on projects..........................................20 minutes
Total time for the month of July.....................22 minutes
Money spent on natural cleaning ingredients........$11.73
Money spent on projects.....................................$0.00
Money spent on natural hair products..................$0.00
Total money spent for the month of July..............$11.73
Money saved for the month of July (month 10 in the experiment) is $276.00. Money saved by doing a project for the month of June is about $20.00
Not too bad! Not too bad at all. We're getting very close to the end of the year of this project and after doing this for about 3 years now, I've really enjoyed keeping actual track of everything this year. It's much easier than you think. When you first start it does seem overwhelming but it isn't bad at all. It takes very little time and saves alot of money. I love living this way and I'm very happy that I can provide a safe home for my kiddo!
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He keeps growing up on me! We wish you a happy, healthy chemical free week! I will keep posting in this blog, there will be more projects and more paintings coming your way! I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer!