I started this little painting last week and then kind of got stuck as to where I wanted it to go next. So I hung it up to look at, besides I had a painting to do for a friend is about to have a baby! I wanted to do a family tree painting my style of course! So I started that one.
and then.... I got stuck again. I know where I want it to go but I wasn't sure of the next step and then a really wonderful friend who I've decided to share as my inspiration this week since she gave me inspiration this week gave me a call. She wanted to give me an antique weathered dressing table! I was so excited since I was looking for a little table to keep in my kitchen because I like to do my blogging there. So....I left my paintings talked my sweet hubby into going out and picking up the dressing table and brought it home!
This is how it started out. Beautiful piece isn't it? It's missing the mirror but I didn't want a mirror in my kitchen anyway.
This was the next step, I told her that I was going to shabby chic it and she was fine with that.
While I did this part I found some cool blue combinations that I will use in the future in some of my paintings.
I almost left it that blue but decided to continue on to complete the vision I had for this piece.... and here's the final finished piece! I turned where the mirror was supposed to be into a chalkboard and found beautiful glass blue knobs at hobby lobby for just 1.36 each! I'm in love with it and will happily blog away there...IN FACT! I am right now!
While working on this piece I thought about my paintings and pondered and came up with a plan! So.. tomorrow I will be back at the easel!
My friend is the owner of 4 Essential Balance in Edgewood NM. She is an amazing massage therapist. She keeps me in shape so I can continue to be inspired to paint and she inspired me this week with this truly kind gift! Here's the link to her facebook page and if you are in NM or ever plan on traveling thru you should go get a massage!
I hope everyone has a happy, laughter filled week!
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