Tuesday, September 24, 2013

My New Studio Space!

First let me say how sorry I am that I didn't post on my blog last week. It's funny how quickly things can change. I'm hoping, however that we are now in a spot that will remain the same for at least the next year! We moved into a little house! I tell all about it in my other blog www.chemicalfreeliving.blogspot.com so you can jump on over there to hear the whole story! but.... here's my new studio space!

I'm so excited to have a little more elbow room to work in and the floors don't move! Painting in a camper is challenging not just because of the space issue but also that it's on wheels so it moves every time someone moves inside the camper. This is a very difficult thing when you are trying to paint! This is the back corner of our living room, which makes me happy because I actually like to paint where my family gathers. Sometimes I am hit by a need to paint all by myself but that usually occurs in the middle of the night and everyone's in bed so this space works really well!

So...Right before all of this change occurred  I finished that painting of horses I posted about in my last blog. Here it is all finished. I was very nervous about this one but am so happy with the outcome! I really dread to stretch myself but am always happy that I did! I hope you enjoy the final product!
Here's  the beginning....

and here's the finished piece!

"Romping thru the Sunflowers" Sold

This week my inspiration is someone I've already told you about(T. Michelle Jacobs) but last week she released a new book! It's  "When Roses Were Red" I cannot wait to read the whole thing! Here's the facebook link so you can find out about it. You can find her books on Amazon.com. Now that I have a mailing address again I'm dashing off to purchase her new book!

Thankyou T. Michelle Jacobs for inspiring me once again! I love your poetry!

and....I'm off to paint! 

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