Monday, April 29, 2013


"Love True Love" 12x12

Inside my silly little world there are many trees. I'm sure you've noticed that trend in my paintings. To me they are a metaphor for life in many stages and circumstances.

A few months ago a friend asked why I painted so many trees without leaves. I actually had to ponder that for awhile because I seem to have a pattern of which trees I paint without leaves and which trees I paint with leaves. I had not noticed this pattern so I had to think about it for some time.

Here is my painting of trees in love but they have no leaves and it is a cold painting. It represents the beauty but harshness of the outside world and the love that binds two together to battle the trials they face.

 In this painting I chose to do a very ethereal background (another of my favorite things to do) and made my trees be weathered from the storms in life.   
"Love Weathers Everything" 24x48
After some thought on the subject what I realized is, that to love, one has to be vulnerable in order to let another person be there with you, thru every intimate thing and struggle in life. Without leaves they feel more vulnerable and therefore need each other all the more so.

"Hope" 11x14
The one above I did for anyone who has a loved one who is going thru cancer or has gone thru cancer. Once again you are very vulnerable when a loved one has cancer. You must be strong to help the one who is sick but it strips you too. The one who is sick is very vulnerable and needs so much support. Although I made sure that the little tree who represents the one who is sick, also wraps their arms around the larger tree because while the one caring for the sick person gives love and compassion, the one who is sick returns that love and compassion and many times gives support to the supporter. What I find to be impressive about both trees and people is their ability to endure great hardships but show their very best, by giving of their own strength to another inspite of their own misery. I've noticed that after both people and trees endure serious difficulties, they may become weathered, a little twisted and maybe a bit bent over but they are even more beautiful, than they were when they were young and fresh.

"A Fairy Canopy" 11x14
This tree I painted with leaves. It is a welcoming, happy go lucky and nurturing tree.  I realized that when I add leaves to trees it many times represents a mothering quality. It is a canopy that folds over and protects, making one safe to play and laugh the cares of the day away!

Here you see my "Lovebirds in a Peacock Tree", they are hidden among strong protective tree limbs and can enjoy a peaceful moment! I called it a peacock tree because of the leaf colors. They are a blue green purple! The leaves on this tree took me about 15 hours to paint! It was all worth it in the end and went to a happy newly married couple!

"Lovebirds in a Peacock Tree" SOLD

Then again, I just like trees! In the future there will be many more trees on my canvas! I will continue to try to explain my silly little world that lives in my head! Have a happy love filled week everyone!

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